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Interactive tree of Henry of Burgundy

Berengaria of Portugal 11971221
Valdemar II ‘Sejr’ of Denmark 11701241
Sancho I of Portugal 11541212
Dulce Berenguer of Barcelona 11601198
Alfonso I of Portugal 11091185
Maud of Savoy 11251158
Henry of Portugal 10661112
Teresa of Leon 10801130
Henry of Burgundy 10351074
of Barcelona
Robert I ‘the Old’ of Burgundy 10111076
Helie of Semur
Robert II ‘the Pious’ of France 9721031
Constance of Provence 9861032
Hugh Capet of Franks 941996
Adelaide of Aquitania 9451004
Hugh ‘the Great’ of the Franks 898956
William III of Aquitania 915963